Knowledge hub | Vision Hospital Group Day Surgeries

The latest educational articles from Vision Hospital Group

The knowledge hub contains detailed, evidence-based articles based on the questions that our surgeons are commonly asked, to help you understand more about the types of surgery we perform. Read on to learn more about the procedures offered at our boutique day surgeries.

Top 16 questions about cataract surgery answered
We offer cataract surgery as a day procedure across our day surgeries in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia. If you’re considering cataract surgery, we’ve put together a list of the common questions...
Is it worth getting cataract surgery?
More benefits than meet the eye When considering cataract day surgery, most people focus on how their vision will improve. While that is a key benefit, the advantages of a cataract procedure extend far beyond...
What is retinal surgery?
Retinal surgery treats a range of conditions that affect the retina of the eye and can reduce your vision. Read on to learn which eye diseases retinal operations can treat and what you can expect...
How serious is getting a corneal transplant?
Has your doctor recommended a corneal transplant? Here we break down everything you need to know before you have a corneal graft – so you understand what to expect. What does the cornea do? The...
Six things you need to know about cataract surgery in 2024
Have you been diagnosed with cataracts? Here’s some important information to consider before you start planning surgery. 1. Being diagnosed with a cataract does not automatically mean you need surgery. Cataract removal is only recommended...