Day Surgery Information for Patients | Vision Hospital Group

Information for patients

Vision Hospital Group is committed to providing patients with outstanding care and optimal outcomes.

Below, you’ll find details of what to expect at admission and following discharge from our day surgery centres, as well as information for carers and options for providing feedback.

Online admission form flyer
Admission brochure
Discharge brochure
Carers brochure

Patient admission form

  • Before surgery


    Once your surgeon has referred you to our day surgery, you will be scheduled for your procedure by our theatre booking staff.

    At least 7 days before your operation date, please complete the online patient registration and admission form. Please do not fill this form until you have your operation date. Click here to access the patient registration form.

    Your surgeon will provide you with an information pack that includes important information to help you prepare for your procedure.

    Please carefully read the documentation and complete all admission pre-procedure screening requirements prior to your arrival on the day of surgery (including the admission form above).

    For more information about what to do to prepare for surgery, download the Before surgery checklist.

    You will be contacted by a member of our staff the day before your procedure who will discuss your admission and discharge details.

    They will confirm:

    • Your admission time;
    • How long you can expect to be at the day surgery
    • Any fasting instructions;
    • Transport and parking arrangements;
    • Name and phone number of the person taking you home;
    • Details of out of pocket payments (if applicable);
    • Answers to any questions you may have about your day surgery admission.

    You may also be asked to discuss:

    • Any allergies you may have;
    • Recent illnesses or medical conditions, and
    • Any current medications.

    Remember, we are here to help, so feel free to ask any questions you may have.

  • Day of surgery


    What to bring:

    • Current medications;
    • Special dietary food;
    • Medicare card;
    • Health fund card;
    • Payment (if applicable).

    For detailed instructions on what to do and bring with you on the day of your surgery, download our Day of surgery checklist.

    When you arrive on the day of your surgery, our admission staff will assist you with your initial admission and ask you to complete any outstanding paperwork or financial consent details before the nursing staff commence their clinical admission. The nursing staff will also inform your carer when you will be ready to be picked up.

    The following guidelines are outlined in our information pack to assist you and ensure you have a smooth admission process:

    • On the day of your operation please shower or bathe and wash your hair before arriving;
    • Follow the fasting instructions, if applicable;
    • Take all your usual medications, unless your doctor has advised otherwise;
    • Bring all medications in their original containers with you;
    • If you are having eye surgery, please wash your face for 3 minutes on the morning of surgery using your usual face soap. Do NOT wear any face make-up (including face cream and mascara);
    • Avoid having nail polish on your hands if possible;
    • Do not wear any jewellery. You may wear your wedding band if difficult to remove but leave all other valuables at home. The day surgery will not accept responsibility for lost or damaged items;
    • Wear comfortable, loose clothing as you may have to change into a hospital gown;
    • Bring in any paperwork you have been asked to complete;
    • If you have any existing skin abrasions, cuts, bruising or wounds, please tell the nurse on your arrival;
    • Please advise the nurse on arrival if you have any problems with your mobility which will require assistance;
    • Please ensure you have allowed enough time; you can expect to be at the day surgery for approximately 2–3 hours;
    • Ensure you have a responsible adult to accompany you home – the person accompanying you must leave a contact number and be available to pick you up when advised by the day surgery;
    • If cancelling on the day of surgery, please call the day surgery directly

    If you become ill in any way before the operation, please phone and speak to either your surgeon or our theatre coordinator.

  • After your surgery


    Following your procedure, you will be transferred to our recovery room where a nurse will monitor your recovery progress.

    If you have been fasting, you will be offered some light refreshments.

    Once you are fully recovered, your carer will be able to join you. At this time, the nurse will provide you with written instructions regarding your post-operative care and will discuss any questions or concerns you may have before you leave the day surgery.

    If you are having eye surgery, you may leave with an eye patch. If you are leaving with a dressing to any operation site, please ensure you follow the care instructions given to you.

    You may be provided with a prescription for post-operative medications. It is very important you continue to use any medication as prescribed by your surgeon.

    You will be given an appointment time if you need to return to your surgeon’s rooms for a review. Your surgeon will confirm when you will be able to resume normal activities. You will be able to eat and drink as normal on discharge.

    You will not be able to drive for 24 hours after your surgery and will be required to have a responsible adult drive or accompany you home and remain with you overnight. Patients will not be admitted to the day surgery if these arrangements cannot be made.

    After your discharge, a nurse may contact you by phone to check on your progress and to answer any further questions you may have.


As part of our commitment to delivering exceptional care to patients, we are continually striving to improve our service. That’s why we value your feedback – whether it’s about something we did right or could do better or a staff member who deserves a special mention, we appreciate your help.

All patients are given the opportunity to provide feedback after their procedure via an online survey.

Rights and responsibilities

Vision Hospital Group has adopted the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, which is provided to patients to ensure that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Read the Charter in English
Read the Charter in another language

Patient FAQs

  • What is day surgery?

    Day surgery is designed for people who are basically fit and healthy. It allows them to have an operation, arriving and leaving on the same day. This avoids the need to go to a larger hospital and eliminates overnight stays.

    The length of your stay will depend on your procedure and your recovery. Most patients can expect to stay between 2 and 4 hours in total, and will need another adult to accompany them (including to take them home safely). It’s also important that someone is with you for the first night following your operation.

  • Who can arrange a surgery booking?

    This is something that your doctor or our staff will organise for you. They will consult with you to confirm a suitable time and date.

  • What about payment?

    For those of you who have private health insurance, your account will be forwarded on your behalf to your health fund. However, you will need to pay any balance not covered by your fund on the day of the surgery.

    If you do not have private health insurance, we ask that your account be finalised on admission.

    In some instances, superannuation can be used to fund surgery – contact the Australian Taxation Office for information. This should be organised before booking your surgery, as payment is required on the day.

  • How do I prepare for my surgery?

    If you are booked to have surgery, please take note of the following:

    • Adults need to fast for at least 5 hours before arrival
    • Smoking is a hazard before an operation. Please do not smoke for 24 hours before surgery
    • If you regularly take any medications, please discuss this with your surgeon prior to surgery. Also, please bring your medications with you to the day surgery
    • Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

    For more information about how to prepare for surgery, download the Before surgery checklist.

  • What should I bring on the day of surgery?

    Please bring the following items (where applicable):

    • Your GP summary
    • Your completed consent form (if not already returned)
    • Your admission form (if not already returned)
    • Your health fund card
    • Your Medicare card
    • Your pension health benefits card
    • Your pharmaceutical benefits card
    • X-rays

    For more information about what to do and bring with you on the day of your surgery, download our Day of surgery checklist.

  • Can I drive myself to and from the day surgery?

    No. Because you will be given an anaesthetic, driving home is not an option. Please arrange for a family member, friend or another responsible adult to accompany you home.

  • What will happen when I arrive at the day surgery?

    Please make your way to reception, where you will be required to complete an admission form (if you haven’t already done so).

    After being admitted, you will have a consultation with one of our nursing staff. If you wish, the person who has accompanied you can also be present.

    Please feel free to ask any questions – our day surgery team are always happy to keep you fully informed.

  • What happens immediately after surgery?

    After surgery, you’ll be moved to the Recovery Unit. Here, our staff will monitor your recovery until you are ready to be discharged.

  • What happens when I leave the day surgery?

    In the 24 hours following your anaesthetic, you MUST NOT drive, operate machinery, drink alcohol, conduct business or sign contracts.

    If you have any unexpected changes to your condition or an emergency in relation to your surgery, phone your surgeon straight away. The number will be provided on your post-operative instruction sheet.

  • What if I can't make my appointment?

    If you cannot make your appointment, please contact the day surgery as soon as possible in order to reschedule your procedure date.

  • What is the In Safe Hands program?

    Our aim is to deliver world-class care to patients by focusing on the quality and safety of our services. We promise to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your medical care by focusing on three key areas through our In Safe Hands initiative: infection control, emotional safety and wellbeing, and a commitment to quality.

    Learn more about our ‘In Safe Hands’ program

  • What safety precautions are in place in relation to covid-19?

    For details, read our covid notice.

Knowledge hub

If you’re looking for educational articles to help you understand more about the conditions we treat and procedures we perform, visit our knowledge hub.