News | Vision Hospital Group Day Surgeries

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Our latest patient feedback indicates that we offer a world-class experience
At Vision Hospital Group, we're committed to providing exceptional care to patients and are continually striving to improve our service – which is why patient feedback is so important to us. So we were especially...
Champion of inclusive care for patients with disabilities joins WGDS team
Windsor Gardens Day Surgery in Adelaide is proud to welcome dentist and former Young South Australian of the Year, Dr Trudy Lin, to its team of surgeons. Dr Lin is one of only three specialists...
Triple treat: Highlights from the RANZCO, AONA and OA 2024 Conferences
In early November, Adelaide simultaneously hosted three of the biggest conferences on the ophthalmic calendar: the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) Annual Scientific Congress, the Australian Ophthalmic Nurses’ Association (AONA) Conference,...
Vision Hospital Group redefining ophthalmic day surgeries
With a strategic network across Australia, Vision Hospital Group (VHG) has established its own niche within the market – specialist ophthalmic day surgeries. Which is no surprise, given it’s owned and operated by the country’s...
A double celebration for Windsor Gardens Day Surgery
Windsor Gardens Day Surgery (WGDS) celebrated not just one but two very special milestones recently – the facility turned 5 AND admitted its 10,000th patient!  10,000th patient surprised but delighted When Julie Spencer attended WGDS for cataract...
VHG’s 360-degree approach to quality and safety
Kylie Bennett combined her love of nursing, patient care and internal processes (gathered over 20 years in some of Australia’s best known healthcare organisations) when she became Vision Hospital Group’s National Director of Nursing and...
Amanda Cranage on her journey from orthoptist to CEO of Vision Eye Institute
When Vision Eye Institute sought a new CEO in 2023, it didn’t need to look far for the ideal candidate. Amanda Cranage traces her remarkable rise from orthoptist to leading Australia’s largest private ophthalmology provider.
Boroondara Day Surgery: a new destination for ophthalmic surgery in Melbourne’s east
Boroondara Day Surgery – Vision Hospital Group (VHG)’s new ophthalmic day hospital in the Melbourne suburb of Hawthorn – has opened its doors to both patients and healthcare professionals. The hospital was acquired by VHG...
Bringing 2024 into focus
Ophthalmic workforce constraints, further disruption of the optometry market and new therapies for myopia were key issues that shaped 2023. Prominent figures within the ophthalmic sector offer their predictions for 2024, with Insight asking three...