Congratulations to our LEAD program graduates
17 May, 2022

Congratulations to the graduates of this year’s Vision Eye Institute and Vision Hospital Group LEAD (Leadership Enhancement and Development) Program!

LEAD is a 12-month initiative that fosters the development of high-performing Vision Eye Institute and Vision Hospital Group staff who display the potential to move into a broader and more complex leadership role.

The program is delivered by leadership experts, Steople, whose programs develop and align the behaviours of business leaders with the aspirations of the organisation they belong to. Through targeted interventions, the LEAD Program allows us to invest in the leadership potential of our staff.

Over the past 12 months, our graduates have participated in tailored half-day workshops, group coaching sessions and a buddy system to grow their leadership skills.

Here are just some of the comments this year’s graduates made about their experience:

‘I didn’t expect to have grown so much through the program!’

‘Being a leader is one of the hardest jobs on the planet. But striving to be a great leader will create a wonderful people and culture environment for all staff.’

‘The course has highlighted my strengths in my personality and has increased my confidence in being a leader.’


Steople and LEAD logos

L–R: George Dimopolous, Senior Orthoptist, Vision Eye Institute Coburg; Elizabeth Cochrane, Nurse Unit Manager, Camberwell Day Surgery; Simon Cheel, Senior Commercial Manager, Steve Wall, Commercial Finance Manager, Andrew Schuette, Steople (LEAD program facilitator); Akie Hayashi, Director of Nursing, Whitehorse Day Surgery, Pip Tighe, Director of Nursing, Vision Centre Day Surgery; Sasha Kairouz, Clinical Relationships Manager (NSW), Gaby Kalofonos, Director of Nursing, Forest Road Day Surgery.

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